Weekly Devotions
Weekly Devotion for 03/03/25
5:55 AM
Morning Devotion
Nehemiah 1
This morning, we come to the book of Nehemiah chapter one. It’s within this chapter that Nehemiah begins to see the distress and trouble that the children of Israel are in. Nehemiah begins to see a need. He acts on the children of Israel’s behalf by praying for them. He saw a need and began to act on that need. It would do us as Christians some good that if we saw a friend or loved one who had a spiritual need and needed help, for us to pray for them. Too often we jump to judgement or make haste to criticize the situation they are in. Let it be named of us that we would be faithful prayer warriors rather than judgement warriors. You can go a whole lot further on your knees then you can being a judge. Let God handle the judgement part and let us handle the praying part. We live in a world today that no doubt our country is in a mess and it seems there’s no hope in the by and by, but there simply is, we’ve just got to continue to pray. Let us be prayer warriors! Pray hard and pray faithfully!
Weekly Devotion for 02/17/25
5:27 AM
Morning Devotion
Mark 16
In this chapter, we read about the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. The day has now come after having been mocked, made fun of, beaten, and crucified and then hung on the cross in torment and to be shamed, our Lord was buried. He has now risen three days later. Mary Magdalene and Mary (the mother of James) have made their way to the tomb to bring spices to our Savior to anoint Him. They wanted to come and honor the deceased body of our Lord. There was only one issue in that case, our Lord had risen already and He in fact was no longer dead. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary are now met by an angel in the tomb who tells them that Jesus has risen from the grave and is no longer there. We find in the ending of this chapter that Jesus comes to the eleven disciples and leaves them with a final commandment. Jesus commands them to go and tell everyone in the world about the gospel. He says to spread the gospel unto all of the world and baptize those willing to receive. Some people believe that the baptism part of Jesus’ commandment means you have to be physically baptized by water but I simply disagree with that. I believe that is talking about being baptized in the Spirit of God. This is our Lord’s final commandment before he ascends into Heaven. Now our Savior sits on the right hand of the throne of God and makes intercession for us.
Our Lord suffered a painful death on the cross all for us. He was buried and then arose from the grave on the third day. We just read His last commandment before ascending into Heaven. We are to go and tell others about the glorious gospel! Let us go everywhere sharing the gospel. I believe if more people would take the gospel more seriously, maybe more souls would desire to be saved. Too often we don’t take the gospel serious enough and just cover it up like it was not a big deal about the facts that happened on that day that our Lord was crucified. Let us be more faithful in sharing the gospel with others whether it be a coworker, friend, teacher, family member or just someone you cross paths with while running errands. Make it a goal to tell at least one person about Jesus a day. God is far too good to not tell others about what He has done in our lives!
Weekly Devotion for 02/10/25
5:35 AM
1 Kings 17
Morning Personal Devotion
In this particular chapter, I read the story of Elijah. God told Elijah to go to Zarephath where the Lord would provide for him bread and water. It is there that Elijah meets a widow woman and her son and after a brief conversation with her, he convinces her to let him have her bread and water. The Lord provided enough bread and water not only for Elijah but for the widow woman and her son as well. Elijah by the mercy and Grace of God, raises the widow woman’s son back to life!
Personal thought:
Sometimes we don’t like doing what we have to do but we must trust God. He puts us in seasons of change to build us for something greater that He has planned in our lives. For example, I don’t enjoy waking up early to unload the freight truck at work at four and five in the mornings but God may be teaching me to wake up early and discipline myself to prepare and equip me for some type of ministry work that He may open the doors to one day. We must trust God amid any difficult situation. Always trust God and obey His command in your life!